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Earth Zen Dumfries are hosting an online sangha for Scottish Interfaith Week.

  • 19:30 – 19:45: Meet and Greet
  • 19:35: Bell; Start Silent Meditation (Zazen) for 35 Mins
  • 20:10: Bell; Walking Meditation (Kinhin) for 5 minutes
  • 20:15: Share reading from Thich Nhat Hanh / Plum Village (shared via email or WhatsApp before the meeting)
  • 20:20: Bow in time; Participants sharing (experiences, concepts, ideas) with the Sangha, (No need for responses unless invited)
  • 20:40: General discussion
  • 21:00: Goodnights and any last minute ideas, suggestions, next week plans etc.

Booking information

Please contact earthzendumfries@gmail.com for the Zoom meeting code and password.