
11 – 18 November 2024

Celebrating 20 years of Scottish Interfaith Week

Opening up our hearts and minds to discovery is one of the biggest gifts we can give ourselves and those around us.

When we are curious about the lives of others, we carve out space for each person to be themselves and meet each other exactly where we are, as we are.

Learning about others opens us up to different ways of being; different cultures, beliefs, perspectives, ways of celebrating the cycle of life, and of course – delicious foods!

Through discovery we can challenge prejudice and misunderstanding, both inside of us and in the world around us. We do not need to understand each other in order to love and respect each other. But nurturing curiosity is a powerful step towards building bridges between communities.

Without discovery, Scottish Interfaith Week would not be the innovative and engaging festival that it is today. The openness and curiosity of those who host and attend our events has kept the festival growing year on year.

For Scottish Interfaith Week 2024, we encourage you to celebrate and explore discovery as a powerful way to bring people together and nurture a culture where connection is what sustains us.

Event submissions open in Summer 2024.

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About Interfaith Scotland

Scottish Interfaith Week was established by Interfaith Scotland in 2004. As the national interfaith organisation for Scotland,

Interfaith Scotland works to ensure good relations between the diverse religion and belief communities of

Scotland and also to share good practice in interfaith dialogue, education, engagement and training nationally and internationally.

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    Taking part in Scottish Interfaith Week doesn’t just provide groups and individuals with the opportunity to gather and learn from one another’s experiences – it’s also a lot of fun! People should get involved and attend the events of Scottish Interfaith Week because there is a lot for each individual to learn from the experiences of others, and also because in doing so we create a visible sign to the wider community that peace and friendship is possible for all, regardless of our backgrounds or faiths.

    Mark Jones, Renfrewshire Interfaith Forum

    Scotland is a modern multi-faith and multi-cultural country where all people can live together in harmony, and where people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds can follow their religion or belief and achieve their potential.

    These events are tremendously important in bringing together different communities united in a common purpose. We all want to live in a Scotland where mutual trust, respect and understanding form the basis for our lives and our relationships with others. I know that these basic principles will underpin the various events being held up and down the country during interfaith week.

    Nicola Sturgeon, Former First Minister of Scotland

    SIFW energises us to look at new ways to raise awareness of Inter Faith issues in the Shetland community – it is splendid to have a theme to work to!

    Tom Macintyre, Shetland Interfaith Group